What is a sunbed burn injury?
A Sunbed is a way of achieving a tan in similar conditions to lying out in the sun. The lights inside the bed give off ultra violet light which works in the same way as sunlight to produce a tan. The beds are illegal for under 18s to use and use is regulated. Every shop offering tanning beds are duty bound to ensure nobody is misusing the beds and risking the development of skin conditions. It is not uncommon a Sunbed user will need to sign a waiver before they first use a bed in a tanning shop.
The law prohibiting minors from using Sunbeds was a result of the discovery that more than 2 people each day are diagnosed with malignant melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. More than 100 deaths per year are estimated to be caused from Sunbed use with around 3,438 new cases of melanoma attributed to Sunbed use.